December 14, 2019

Promotional Tie-In Songs Are Really Good

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I’m really really into songs writ­ten and released to promote movies.

It’s strange, these songs should suck. They are con­trived, they’re not cre­atively inspired, and only exist to help artists make a quick buck (well, lots of quick buck­s). How­ev­er, it turns out, these songs are really really good.

As movie blog Lit­tle White Lies mentions, some of these pro­mo­tional songs actu­ally gain lives of their own and become top sin­gles in their release years. We’re talk­ing about epic hits like Sky­fall (the James Bond film), Happy (some chil­dren’s movie), and See You Again (the car movie).

Other pro­mo­tional songs may not top the charts, but frankly, they’re also bet­ter most songs out there. Also, for what­ever rea­son, The Hunger Gamesfran­chised pro­duced a lot of great songs.

I’ve included my favorite pro­mo­tional songs here, enjoy!

Joys of Capitalism 2019
Media Journal, November 2019