January 14, 2018

Seattle Mechanical Keyboard Meetup

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Twice a year, mechan­i­cal key­board enthu­si­asts meetup in Seattle. Most are from the area, some fly in, and every­one brings their keyboards.

Inside, there are dozens of tables where peo­ple dis­play their key­boards along­side plac­ards detail­ing the mod­el, switch, key­caps, and other mod­i­fi­ca­tions. From there, peo­ple walk around and min­gle, nerd­ing out about key­boards, typ­ing on them, and just hav­ing a great time.

The mechan­i­cal key­board com­mu­nity is one of the kind­est and most help­ful com­mu­ni­ties on the inter­net. There are many mee­tups around the world, and attend­ing them pro­vides an oppor­tu­nity to meet peo­ple IRL and put their faces to their online names.

Behind each key­board is a sto­ry; how it was built, what all the parts are, and why the per­son built it. I went around talk­ing to awe­some peo­ple and took their portraits.

(Left) Magicforce 68 keys Mini keyboard, Maxkey Lime keycaps (Right) WASD V2 keyboard
(Left) Magicforce 68 keys Mini keyboard, Maxkey Lime keycaps (Right) WASD V2 keyboard
60% Typewriter Wood Case, keycaps from Alibaba with chrome sides, PIP LEDs
60% Typewriter Wood Case, keycaps from Alibaba with chrome sides, PIP LEDs
(Left) Kinensis Advantage with vinyl sticker (Right) Iris keyboard
(Left) Kinensis Advantage with vinyl sticker (Right) Iris keyboard
RAMA M65-A keyboard, GMK Oblivion keycaps
RAMA M65-A keyboard, GMK Oblivion keycaps
Mech27-TKL keyboard, Gateron linear switches, GMK Plum keycaps
Mech27-TKL keyboard, Gateron linear switches, GMK Plum keycaps
Mech27-TKL-V1 keyboard, Brown Alps switches, custom acrylic plate, SP LightCycle keycaps
Mech27-TKL-V1 keyboard, Brown Alps switches, custom acrylic plate, SP LightCycle keycaps
Apple M0110 keyboard, custom PCB with Bluetooth, Gateron Yellow switches
Apple M0110 keyboard, custom PCB with Bluetooth, Gateron Yellow switches
Hardwired cork board, 67cN Zandas/Pealios, GMK Plum keycaps
Hardwired cork board, 67cN Zandas/Pealios, GMK Plum keycaps
(Left) Pok3r keyboard, Cherry Blue switches, grab bag keycaps (Right) Unknown Sony video editing keyboard
(Left) Pok3r keyboard, Cherry Blue switches, grab bag keycaps (Right) Unknown Sony video editing keyboard
(Left) Leopold FC660M keyboard, Cherry MX Brown switches, purple WASD keycaps (Right) Genovation CP24 USB HID, Cherry MX Black switches, Relegendable keycaps
(Left) Leopold FC660M keyboard, Cherry MX Brown switches, purple WASD keycaps (Right) Genovation CP24 USB HID, Cherry MX Black switches, Relegendable keycaps
KBD keyboard, Gateron Red switches, translucent top, side printed keycaps, dancing LEDs
KBD keyboard, Gateron Red switches, translucent top, side printed keycaps, dancing LEDs
HHKB Pro 2, orange spacebar, artisan and stock Topres (rubber domes) and keycaps.
HHKB Pro 2, orange spacebar, artisan and stock Topres (rubber domes) and keycaps.
OLKB Preonic keyboard, Adler Typewriter keycaps
OLKB Preonic keyboard, Adler Typewriter keycaps
RAMA M65-A, custom ortho PCB by /u/wootpatoot, 67g Zealio switches, SA Hyper-7/Symbiosis keycaps
RAMA M65-A, custom ortho PCB by /u/wootpatoot, 67g Zealio switches, SA Hyper-7/Symbiosis keycaps

Some pho­tos of the event:

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This guy works at Github on the Atom team. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to tell him I use Sublime Text because Atom is slow. I should have said, “I appreciate you making an opensource text editor that everyone can use.” Sorry about that.
This guy works at Github on the Atom team. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to tell him I use Sublime Text because Atom is slow. I should have said, “I appreciate you making an opensource text editor that everyone can use.” Sorry about that.
Some Paul Allen computer hacked to run Windows 7.
Some Paul Allen computer hacked to run Windows 7.
Numpad with different kinds of switches.
Numpad with different kinds of switches.
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(Right) I ran into another UW student, Scott.
(Right) I ran into another UW student, Scott.
This is Scott’s board. The aluminum case was very well-manufactured. Apparently the two-layer cable cost the same amount though.
This is Scott’s board. The aluminum case was very well-manufactured. Apparently the two-layer cable cost the same amount though.
My keyboard! Pok3r with MX Clears and SP Think Different keycaps, SP red ESC key.
My keyboard! Pok3r with MX Clears and SP Think Different keycaps, SP red ESC key.
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These boards belong to b-randen, one of the organizers. The one on the left is probably my favorite keyboard in the whole event, from an aesthetics standpoint.
These boards belong to b-randen, one of the organizers. The one on the left is probably my favorite keyboard in the whole event, from an aesthetics standpoint.
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MechMerlin, a YouTuber, filming his video at the meetup.
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Someone modded two keyboards with really heavy keys (160g and 280g) for people to test their typing speeds on. 160g was quite heavy, 280g was ridiculous.
Someone modded two keyboards with really heavy keys (160g and 280g) for people to test their typing speeds on. 160g was quite heavy, 280g was ridiculous.
Artisan/novel keycaps are unique. Unlike regular keys which represent letters or symbols, artisans are color heads, faces, or even 
Artisan/novel keycaps are unique. Unlike regular keys which represent letters or symbols, artisans are color heads, faces, or even ramen. They are quite expensive and can be one-of-a-kind. At the event, some people were selling and trading their artisans.
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There was also an artisan keycap making area, where attendees carved some kind of soft brown rubber.
There was also an artisan keycap making area, where attendees carved some kind of soft brown rubber.
There were soldering and handwiring workshops as well. This is a necessary skill for building a keyboard from scratch.
There were soldering and handwiring workshops as well. This is a necessary skill for building a keyboard from scratch.
Jack Humbert, the owner of OLKB, went around the meetup via telepresence robot.
Jack Humbert, the owner of OLKB, went around the meetup via telepresence robot.
My favorite photo I took at the meetup. There’s a comical seriousness to someone holding up a keyboard to show a robot.
My favorite photo I took at the meetup. There’s a comical seriousness to someone holding up a keyboard to show a robot.
There was a trivia for prizes. It was very fun and was quite casual. Not the nasty competitive kind. I teamed up with a random stranger, and somehow we got 6/10, through some lucky guesses and random facts we knew. This turned out to a high enough score and we got artisan-shaped chocolate.
There was a trivia for prizes. It was very fun and was quite casual. Not the nasty competitive kind. I teamed up with a random stranger, and somehow we got 6/10, through some lucky guesses and random facts we knew. This turned out to a high enough score and we got artisan-shaped chocolate.

This was my first meetup and I’m quite new and igno­rant about key­boards. Nonethe­less, peo­ple were always will­ing to answer ques­tions. The com­mu­nity is awe­some, and I had a blast.

Pho­tos taken on Jan­u­ary 13th, 2018

Hanging out with the Yakuza at Yasukuni ShrineSoylent, Three Years Later