June 9, 2018

UW Design Show 2018

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Every year, grad­u­at­ing UW Design stu­dents put together a show to exhibit their best work.

This year, I’m part of the grad­u­at­ing class and I think we’ve put together an incred­i­ble show. We are show­cas­ing crit­i­cal, inter­est­ing, and wide-rang­ing work. There’s some great con­ven­tion stuff, along with some more con­cep­tual and vul­ner­a­ble work on display.

You should come take a look. I think you’ll like it.

UW Design Show 2018 Jacob Lawrence Gallery June 6–16, 2018

Gallery Hours: Tues–Fri 10am–5pm Sat­ur­day 1–5pm

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My cap­stone is also on dis­play. What if chil­dren tablets are coffee tables?

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