Last week, Panic announced Playdate, a handheld console with a black and white screen, a crank, partially funded by a game-subscription service.
But no one wants to talk about that. We want to talk about the crazy industrial design and the yellow. Mostly about the yellow.
Yellow is seldom used in products, in clothing, in anything. We almost never see it, and when we do, it’s a used sparingly as an accent color.
The rationale here is that yellow, while refreshing, does get boring fast. To make a product timeless, you must refrain from using this incredible color.
But we can’t all be Dieter Rams, and life does need some color. So, here are some yellow things:

The Lumia 920 also launched with other colors like straight up red, cyan, and light gray.

A more muted yellow.

The same shade of yellow as the Playdate. Slightly orange, but unmistakably yellow.